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Why is the Metaverse The Next Big Thing?

One of the heard buzzes around the Internet is the metaverse, the next big thing. Here we will discuss what it is and how it intends to change the world.

“Metaverse” refers to a virtual world densified by digital avatars that reflect real people. Any software, service, or platform that allows you to interact with others or digital objects in a virtual environment is considered part of the metaverse. Pokemon Go and Facebook’s Horizon Workrooms are two examples of how this virtual world could evolve with mixed Reality and virtual interaction. It would be a digital parallel reality in which people could connect, play games, watch movies with friends, and collaborate with coworkers.

Growth of the Metaverse Market:

Many digital companies are working on it. Facebook, Microsoft, and Navida discuss the metaverse as the next big thing. However, its market growth popped up right after Facebook announced massive investments in developing the concept and changed the company name to “Meta.” 

Leslie Shannon has also referred to the importance of the metaverse in one of her recent talks during the Global Summit of VRARA. She stated that “the metaverse combines everything that Virtual reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR) are currently developing.” 

What does Metaverse Include:

It includes: 

Metaverse includes Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality. It combines the aspects of both the physical and digital worlds. Augmented Reality will reflect the metaverse, with each user having a character or avatar. The metaverse’s persistent and continuous virtual environment exists even when you are not participating. It’s like experiencing a mixed-reality meeting in a virtual workplace with Oculus VR heads. While at the metaverse, the avatar can utilize the crypto portfolio and money. The whole concept is also making the metaverse the next big thing. 

Use of Metaverse:

In a metaverse, cryptocurrencies can work well. They make it possible to create a digital economy based on different utility coins and digital assets (NFTs). Using crypto wallets like Trust Wallet and MetaMask would also help the concept.

Blockchain-based and metaverse-like applications provide people with livable earnings. Many users utilize Axie Infinity as a play-to-earn game to earn a living. Other successful approaches to combining the blockchain world and Virtual Reality apps are SecondLife and Decentraland.

The metaverse will incorporate a trade economy, digital identities, decentralized government, and other applications besides games and social media. Universities have begun to hold gatherings in virtual worlds. At the same time, Virtual Reality may also help students towards better learning experiences. In the metaverse, one can imagine incorporating all the stated examples.

Future of Metaverse-the next big thing:

Mark Zuckerberg has stated that he intends to build this whole concept, the next significant initiative to encourage remote employment and increase financial prospects for individuals in developing countries. Facebook’s ownership of social media, communication, and cryptocurrency platforms put them in an excellent position to merge these realms. 

Further communication between NFT marketplaces and 3D virtual environments is the next step toward a crypto-powered platform. On a larger scale, blockchain developers can create popular metaverse-like products with a larger organic customer base market on digital media. 

In the future, we need a secure way of money transfer and using crypto for the products in the metaverse market.


A clear impression of the potential of the metaverse, the next big thing, showcases that it is a substantial technological intervention. Most likely, advances in VR and AR technology drive its future.

The metaverse has the potential to alter the way people interact with each other, play games, and work. It is still in the initial stages of development. Still, the involvement of top names in the tech world, such as Microsoft, Facebook, and Google, also develops trust. It is opening the doors of cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology to a new height. Branding, marketing, and communication professionals will see new challenges and enormous opportunities.

[This article is written by Farah Ahmed during Train the Learner’s four weeks Training Program as an Article Writer]

Some Whats and Whos:

-> What is Axie Infinity? <-

Vietnamese studio “Sky Mavisis” made an NFT-based online video game, “Axie Infinity.” In-game economy, which uses Ethereum-based cryptocurrencies, is one of the reasons it is known for.

-> What is Decentraland? <-

Decentraland is a three-dimensional (3D) virtual world owned by the user. It allows users to buy digital real estate and meet in the Metaverse; the whole virtual world is based on the Ethereum blockchain.

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-> What is Pokémon Go? <-

Pokémon Go is a 2016 Augmented Reality mobile game. The game uses GPS and a phone clock to create an “Augmented Reality”; then, players catch the different characters in actual areas.

-> Who is Leslie Shannon? <-

Leslie Shannon is the Head of Ecosystem and Trend Scouting for Nokia. She has written Interconnected Realities, a study of the Metaverse’s purpose, and does all her daily fitness work in Virtual Reality.

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