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What is important, Skills or Degree?

Degree and skills are two banks of the same river. An individual needs to have a degree as well as talents to succeed in life. A degree without skills is as ineffective as a skill without a degree. Both must work to assure the survival of the fittest.

A degree is just formal documentation of a person’s skill. Not everyone with the potential may be able to get the degree. Likewise, not everyone with a degree is qualified. The needed skill set is defined by the company, the position’s nature, and other factors. Which component, in general, is more important: the degree or skills?

Comparison between skills or degree


A degree is a verified certificate that assures the person applying has the knowledge of the professional requirement. It declares that they can manage the functioning and justify the post.

It enhances all aspects of your life, including your academic, social, sports, personal, creativity, ethics, and so much more. Also, the training improves your speed of learning and abilities. It makes a person more confident in his approach and outlook. These things are an essential part of personality development.

A degree can make a person more polite, humble, and wiser. It could help one take charge of the job or climb the success ladder. It also earns respect and a social reputation. The more specialized the degree, the higher the post and the salary package.


Every degree holder is not always skilled. It is your abilities, not your degree that will help you reach your goal. Skills are a transitory concept that cannot be evaluated on a piece of paper. It is a wide spectrum that is groomed within the individual and nourished by continuous practical implications.

There are a vast majority of fresh graduates who are considered to be unemployed. Primarily because, despite having a graduation degree, some of them do not have the required skills to be employed, in today’s ever-changing employment market industry.

Many successful people do not have the certifications for their knowledge. It is the skills that attract clients and management that later determine whether a person gets the job. Without the skills, the individual would be unable to attract the attention of their superiors and achieve success.

Opinion of the successful people

Most successful individuals believe that a degree without skills is worthless, which is correct. They also claim that the quality of education in every country is insufficient to justify spending thousands of dollars and accumulating massive debt.

Another reason why studying at even the top schools is not worth it is that many courses do not provide you with any practical experience. Everything that is being taught there is theoretical, not practical. As a result, you do not learn any basic skills that you will need to acquire a job or prosper in life.

Consider successful individuals such as Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, David Geffen, Paul Allen, and Dave Thomas. They have acquired a fortune, yet they do not have a college degree. So, how did they become so successful? The fact is that if you have skills, desire, and a great plan, you don’t need a college degree.

The importance of having skills

The issue with college degrees is that they do not represent your skills. They show that you attended college and graduated. As a result, you have some understanding but not necessarily the required skills. Let us look at why companies prefer talents over academic degrees:

  • Skills help in the achievement of a goal.
  • A person’s skills enable them to improve and climb the career ladder.
  • Experiences are demonstrated via skills.
  • Skills demonstrate self-assurance and knowledge.
  • You will not succeed in any profession if you lack abilities.
  • Having skills is crucial for job success, personal development, and professional advancement.

How to even out your degree with the requisite skills

There are several strategies for you to increase your chances of landing a job. The main goal is to get experience and sharpen your abilities while finishing your college degree. You may do it in a variety of ways:

  • Pursue internships in your field of interest or college degree
  • Write and publish articles for various company websites
  • Start a side business
  • Do some online work while studying
  • Become a part-time tutor
  • Do some volunteer work

Final thoughts

Skills are always more valuable than a degree. However, if an individual holds skills, proper education, and self-confidence, he will advance to a higher position. It can enable a person to mature both psychologically and financially in terms of status, importance, social respect and recognition, and so on.

A college degree is no longer a guarantee of employment or higher pay. Employers are more interested in whether an applicant holds the necessary skills and expertise. As a result, people considering attending college should weigh the advantages and disadvantages of obtaining a degree.

Those who are already studying should apply for internships to get experience in addition to their degree. Those with a degree who are unable to find a job should not lose hope! You got a lot of talents in addition to your degree. It might be excellent writing abilities or leadership abilities. Consider what you can do and include it in your CV. It will help you in getting hired.

Always remember that where there is a will, there is a way. So, think sensibly, be wise and ambitious, and you will succeed.

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[This article is written by Omer Shahid during Train the Learner’s 6 weeks Training Program as an Article Writer]

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