Learn 'This vs. That'

Visual Learner vs. Auditory Learner vs. Kinaesthetic Leaner Identify which type of Learner you are!

Visual Learner

1. Visual Learners prefer seeing or observed things for instance images, drawings and diagrams, presentations, demonstrations, displays etc.

2. Complete tasks more effectively if they first see a demonstration or read directions.

3. Visual Learners grasp better by highlighting and underlining of what they want to remember.

Auditory Learner

1. Auditory Learners prefer to listen information they want to learn, either to the spoken word or sounds and noises.

2. Complete a task more successfully if they first listen instructions.

3. Auditory Learners should listen to their recorded summarized points.

Kinaesthetic Leaner

1. Kinaesthetic Learners prefer physical experience – touching, feeling, holding, doing, hands-on experiences.

2. By going ahead and trying it out, they perform their responsibility better.

3. Kinaesthetic Leaners recall their memory better by discussing the learned material with another kinaesthetic Learner.

Difference between Image Processing & Computer Vision

Image Processing

1. The main goal of image processing is to process the raw input images to develop them or prepare them for other tasks

2. Examples of some applications for image processing are image rescaling (digital zoom), lighting correction,  pixels, etc.

Computer Vision

1. Computer Vision focuses on extracting information from the input images or videos to predict the visual input like the human brain

2. Examples of several applications for Computer Vision are object detection, identification of handwriting, face detection, etc.

Difference between Scrum & Agile


1. Scrum is a framework that implements agile principles that can be used to manage iterative/sprints & incremental projects of all types.

2. Example: Recipe; A recipe is a framework you can use to implement a vegetarian diet. Agile is a set of methods & practices based on the values & principles expressed in the Agile Manifesto.


1. Agile is a set of methods & practices based on the values & principles expressed in the Agile Manifesto.

2. Example: Diet; Diet is a set of methods and practices base on principles and values

Learn What

Learn 'What'?

Learn ‘What’ section provides brief introductions and definitions

Learn How

Learn 'How'?

Learn ‘How’ explains question concerning the way or manner in which something is being done

Learn Where

Learn 'Where'?

Learn ‘Where’ traces the availability and sources of various information

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