Learn 'How'?

How many types of Data Analytics are there?

There are four (4) types of Data analytics:

  1. Descriptive Analytics
  2. Diagnostic Analytics
  3. Predictive Analytics
  4. Prescriptive Analytics
See in more detail here -> Data Analytics and Big Data

How to Make money Online?

There are multiple ways for online earning. You may make money by evaluating and promoting, or even by answering basic questions. Seven (7) ways to make money online are:

  1. Become a Copywriter
  2. Google Adsense
  3. Sponsored Posts
  4. Start a podcast
  5. Content and Web Development Business
  6. Type for Cash
  7. Sell you photos
See the detailed article on this topic -> Seven (7) ways to make money online

How does Contingency Management Theory help Managers?

Contingency management theory shows a pathway to being a successful manager. It also provides the basics of management and training. Some of the ways it helps managers are:

  1. Provides strategic planning to help managers.
  2. Yield effective solutions for specific situations.
  3. Gives a macro-view of the organization.
  4. Increased Discretion.

To sum up, this theory alerts managers to all happenings of the organization and guides them to manage issues better.

Might be of your interest -> How does Contingency Management Theory help Managers?

How to use Technology in Classroom?

For enhanced and interactive Learning today, following are some ways by which Technology can be used in the classroom:

  1. Gamified learning.
  2. Digital field trips.
  3. Integrate social media.
  4. Creating digital content.
  5. Incorporate video and multimedia into lessons and presentations.
  6. Online activities for students who finish work early.
You may be interested in -> Ways to Learn more

How is the Reading habit beneficiary to us?

In modern times during the 21st century, there has been a sharp decline in reading. For life-long impacts, one must focus on developing a daily reading habit.

Some of the points on how the habit of reading is beneficial are:

  1. Strengthens the brain and improves connectivity
  2. Advances the ability to empathize
  3. Increases focus and memory
  4. Builds up the vocabulary
  5. Reduces stress
check the full article here -> Five(5) Benefits of Reading
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